Symptomatic neonatal tetralogy of Fallot: repair or shunt ? 06/10/2011
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Tác giả: Khoa Ngoại Tổng Hợp
Inhaled Nitric Oxide For Treatment Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension In The Newborn 08/09/2011
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Tác giả: Khoa Hồi sức
Interventions For Idiopathic Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome In Children 10/08/2011
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Tác giả: Khoa Thận Nội Tiết
EBM adrenaline for treament in acute bronchiolitis 20/05/2011
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Tác giả: BS Tôn Nữ Thụy My - Khoa Hô Hấp